Capulin Contemplations — Business

Maybe It’s My Mid-Life Crisis Talking… Removing The Crutch

Posted by Marnie Burch on

Maybe It’s My Mid-Life Crisis Talking… Removing The Crutch

Sometimes I feel like a baby learning to walk. I think I have the crawling part down. But now it’s time to stand up. I have a tendency to hide when things get really hard, when I might get criticized by negative feedback or just plain silence. Maybe it’s my mid-life crisis talking but I’m tired of hiding. I’m ready to take risks: heart-pounding, gut-wrenching risks. So, it’s time to move on from the safety of crawling and to learn to stand without a crutch, to be ok with falling.

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Showin’ Off the Goods: Lessons From a Craft Show

Posted by Marnie Burch on

Showin’ Off the Goods: Lessons From a Craft Show

I attended a small show recently featuring maybe ten artists, quite a few of them jewelers, hoping to get ideas about their setups. What I got instead was a valuable lesson in what not to do.

Most of these artists made a mistake so large it likely cost sales. A mistake I’m sure I could have and would have made myself.

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Sparking Ideas: Custom Designs from Capulin Creations

Posted by Marnie Burch on

Sparking Ideas: Custom Designs from Capulin Creations

There’s nothing much better than the sparking of ideas. Some random sight might inspire me to come up with a particular design, which might inspire a client to come up with a variation, which in turn inspires me to take that variation to a different place.

And sometimes my clients come up with custom designs I never would have thought of.

Ever wondered what it takes to have a custom piece of jewelry made? At Capulin Creations, I...

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Learning to Trust: Why I Changed My Return Policy

Posted by Marnie Burch on

Learning to Trust: Why I Changed My Return Policy
I’m very good at expecting the worst from people. I’m not very good at expecting the best. But why penalize the vast majority of good, honest people just so I could defend against a tiny minority who might never even purchase from me? Why expect the worst instead of the best?

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How to (Not) Treat Clients: My Approach to Customer Service

Posted by Marnie Burch on

How to (Not) Treat Clients: My Approach to Customer Service

I was disappointed by one of my suppliers the other day.

This particular company went on the defensive by yelling at their followers, berating their clients, and whining about their lot in life.

Far be it from me to ever follow such an example.

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